Our Story
We are Tom and M Smith the founders of Ocimeae Lavender Farm.
We often get asked why farming? And why lavender?

Our Story
To answer this question we back up a bit. Tom is a native of Michigan with five decades of experience in professional irrigation, water management and landscaping. M is small town Idaho farm stock who ended up traveling the world, living among people from all walks of life and working with international businesses.
In 2009 we became a family team. After six years of operating a successful landscape and irrigation company together, we asked each other this question…
“If money didn’t matter and we could do anything in the world, what would it be?”
We both gave the same three answers in different order. After big discussion, we decided that of the three answers, farming, and specifically agritourism, was a very realistic and worthy adventure. We both love engaging with people, being outside, and staying connected to the earth.
So It Began…
After a few years of studying a variety of plants, we decided on Lavender. In the spring of 2020 we turned over our first acres and began planting. Creating the landscape at Ocimeae continues to be a wonderfully artistic endeavor. We thoroughly enjoy sharing this farm with our community in every way that we can, whether that be weddings and celebrations or classes and festivals. We love sharing and experiencing what is truly one of the oldest, most soul investing occupations – stewarding a piece of earth.